New tech blog

Hello friends and random strangers. To keep track of some handy tools and settings in my work field I’ve decided to make a blog. On this blog you wont find any whimsical stories about my life or anything like that and it won’t be updated that often most likely. I just use this to keep track of some technical solutions I’ve had dealings with and keep anyone who is interested informed. Also from time to time I will post some general tips about IT/computer related subjects that might interest computer users, most of these will be software tips and extensions for my favorite browser which is Chrome at the moment.

If you find this site useful, or have a suggestion about a topic, feel free to add a comment anywhere on this site. You can also contact me via this website or try to stalk me a little via the social media buttons 😉


    • Barbara on March 19, 2012 at 11:12 pm
    • Reply

    A better magazine theme will make the blog looks nicer:)

  1. Yes its still a work in progress, this is just the standard theme. Thanks for your input though ^_^

  2. Do you mind if I published this blog post on my webpage? I would give you credit and a link back to your site. Thank you, and please let me know here!

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